Sunday, June 7, 2009



Yea...did'nt write much on the last one after the OSL camp.
Couldnt write anything without losing myself.
I thought of editing it,

Let it lie there.

Anyway, now that Im cooler.

OSL camp,
If not all that I expected.
It was goin fine, All assembled and put their bags and shtuff in the bunks.
Had Ice breaking games.

Olivia hated the fact that I thought Barney is gay. ( he is by the way!!)

So, we had the water games.
Massacred the idiots (no offence).
HAHA. Long range bombing,

Jayraj didnt realise where it hit him.
or where it came from.
It just fell out the heavens...haha.

Then they washed up and had dinner.
Couldnt fricking eat the rice. I hate rice.
Prefer noodles.
Then had Jone's speech.
Joel, Li Fang and Zi Kang joined us.

Joel had some weird questions.
Only Haniff, Zi Kang and Me managed to keep the words flowing with proper sense.
Jone was muffled (as usual).
He had more content, but no presentation.
Couldve done better.
Haniff and me were flinchin now and then.

Then Mr Tan had his reflection.
We had some standing ovations.
Then we left for the night games.
I was having fun with the guys.
( I had NO idea it was a trust game, so sry )
I kept whispering in their ears.
Tickled their legs with brooms.
I had fun with Thinesh at the end.
Groping in the dark for me.

Then we went to bed.
by WE, I mean everyone else cept the Exco and seniors.
We stayed up and talked some shit.
Tried Azfar's skate board or snake board. wtv.
Got the hang of it, but cant turn or go forward.
I started writing that days confusion after that,
Then couldnt rhyme.
SO went for a ride on Ting Yan's bike.
Amanda and Alisa saw my rhymes .
" theres alot of anger here..."
they said.
So I said, " its just confusion".

Then the worst hit.
I couldnt even write.
Took the bike.
And rode.
Round and round the Parade Square.
Till my thighs burnt. and I scraped my calf on the stone there.
I still rode.
It didnt burn as it did,
The burn dont flame, when the flame burns on.

I couldnt really take it.
At least the truth came.
Ignorance really was bliss.
Then everything spiralled.

The rest ordered Mac.
at 3 am.
I didnt even feel hunger pangs, as I wouldve...
I kept riding.
They ordered, and slept while waiting.
Cept me and Ting Yan.
I was in pain.
Ting yan just wanted to stay up.

Mac came.
Everyone ate.
I rode.
They slept.
I stopped for a bit and a half rhyme or 2 came out.
Then even Ting Yan knock out.
I felt myself go out at 4 am.
Heard Haniff's phone alarm at 4 20.
woke up and rode again.
The pain was renewed,
Then morning came, I still rode.
Had breakfast and rode.
The rest left and only me and Ting yan in skool.

We knocked off from 9 to like 11.30.
We woke up and left for home.
Then I blogged that short one.
Thats all I could,
My thighs were like jello

Lost track of time a bit. But this entry is too long already.

I havent finished the rhyme of the camp, heres one other.
He seems to be having a better time than me at least.

No hidden title here.


He waits and awaits,
Opening the doors and gates;
He opens himself up,
Drinking the empty looking cup;

Rhymic words,
Describe little of the pain;
By little he is spurred,
Let it all not be in vain;

Waiting on a line,
Appearing off it;
Slipping down the vine,
The end is hit;

He swings and slides,
Trying to find a hold;
Across two divides,
Crusty, clipping mould;

But the eyes return,
A message unknown;
Less his heart'd be smitten,
His hand always on the phone;

And hoping;
And groping; ( in the dark )

Looks naught far;
For his Nits,
At his Wits' End;

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