Sunday, April 26, 2009

Emotional Quotient, With A Physical Remainder

Im stagnant.

Just here.

Im still.

What should I do??....Man I sound hopeless right?....

Rolling On The Floor Emo!!!......*sigh*

Still no book...I NEED A NEW BOOK!!!..I have too much to write...

Im still waiting....and shall....

Perhaps Coincidences shall happen.....

One of the works to be in Book III, BUT THERES NO BOOK!!!!! ( written on a foolscap pad...thats just weak )

Pondering Questions

Why, Oh Why!

Was it something,
I said,
Or did;

If I die,
Looking up at the sky;

'You' is what I think,
I am dead,
But to bid;

What now,
Do I do;

Run away.
Never looking back,
To never return;

Or think how,
To you, I woo;

And thus I may,
With my feet in a sack,
I shall roll my turn;

I shall wish,
Upon the star;
You shine the brightest,
Among them;

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