Saturday, November 29, 2008

Guess Whos Back...Back Again....

Yep. Back from Cambodia after sweat, toil, experiences and memoirs that will last me a good lifetime. No miracle hoped for happened. Neither did the opposite. (again I hint). We all had a lot of fun. I can't put everything in 1 post because firstly, Its a lot. and 2nd, Im a WEE bit lazy. I'm gonna put it all in my favourite way...Word Art. This one is about how everyone felt in a way during the return trip. Oh Cambodia! and sending out a call to Suvet and Sami'daet ( I think thats how its spelt) HI!!!

The OSl Trip Cambodia 2008

2 weeks done,
And oh so fast;
It is'nt none,
And not the last;

It shall burn,
As fuel feeds;
But a longer turn,
To plant the seed;

Not of origin;
A trip to hell, (and back of course)
Is what I imagine;

Yet on journies such,
More is to change;
You can and will learn much,
Yet not turn deranged;

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